Haskell from 0 to IO (Maybe Hero)

Posted on 2020-08-28 03:56:00 by rainbyte
Tags: haskell io monad typeclasses


This guide references some syntax and patterns used when writing programs in the Haskell language. A text editor and the GHC compiler are required to run the code, but online environments are also an option.

Minimal example

Haskell expects programs have an entrypoint called main, which later is explained in detail, but for now we will create a file named Program.hs and write inside the following code:

-- Comments are written like this
main = print "hola"

Check if code can be interpreted:

runghc Program.hs

Check if code can be compiled and executed:

ghc -o Program Program.hs

Some system also require to add the -dynamic option (eg. Arch Linux).


Haskell definitions indicate a type with :: and their value with =.

Here num is defined with type Int and value 9:

num :: Int -- type
num = 9    -- definition

main = print num

The = symbol means equality in both ways, this means that num can be replaced by 9 anywhere.

Detailed definitions are done using let..in.., which has a let section with local values accessed by the in section to calculate a final value.

num =
    let x = 5  -- define x
        y = 10 -- define y
    in x + y   -- use them

main = print num

Other way to have local definitions is to attach a where section, the following code is equivalent to the previous one:

num = x + y -- use definitions
    x = 5  -- define x
    y = 10 -- define y

main = print num


Carefully designed types reject unwanted values by making them unrepresentable.

The type keyword indicates an alias to an existing type.

Here String is an alias to a list of Char:

type String = [Char]

The data keyword is used to define custom types.

Booleans are represented in this way:

data Bool = False | True

We can apply conditionals over booleans like this:

b :: Bool
b = True

s :: String
s = if b then "True" else "False"

main = print s

The Ordering type is used to compare things:

data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT

Handling each possible case for a type is called pattern matching, and ideally all of them should be handled

ord :: Ordering
ord = LT

s :: String
s = case ord of
    LT -> "Less Than"
    EQ -> "Equal"
    GT -> "Greater Than"

main = print s

The Maybe type is parametrized and represents the existence of something with a generic type t, avoiding the use of null at all.

data Maybe t = Nothing | Just t

Pattern matching also works with parametrized types:

mInt :: Maybe Int
mInt = Just 9

num :: Int
num = case mInt of
    Just n  -> n
    Nothing -> 0

main = print num

The Either type has 2 parameters and represents the existence of a value with type e or a value with type t.

data Either e t = Left e | Right t

We can use Either String t to represent an error message when a result of type t cannot be obtained.

err :: Either String Int
err = Left "Could not obtain the number"


When we see an arrow -> in a type, we know it is a function.

Every function receives an a and gives a b as result.

f :: a -> b

Functions indicate their body with =.

f :: Int -> Int
f x = x + 3

main = print (f 5)

The same function can be implemented inline as a lambda

f :: Int -> Int
f = \x -> x + 3

main = print (f 5)

We can "combine" functions using the . operator, called composition, so that if we have g . f then f will produce an intermediate result to be taken by g to produce a final result:

f :: Int -> Int
f x = x + 3

g :: Int -> Int
g x = x * 5

h :: Int -> Int
h = g . f -- be careful with the order

main = print (h 2)

There is also an $ operator, called "application", usually used to change precedence and avoid extra parenthesis. You can think of it as having parenthesis at both sides.

Here we have equivalent main implementations, choose the one you prefer.

f :: Int -> Int
f x = x + 1

-- all of these are equivalent
main1 = print . f $ 3 + 4
main2 = (print . f) $ (3 + 4)
main3 = (print . f) (3 + 4)
main4 = print (f (3 + 4))

main = main1

A function can give a function as result and we can use this mechanism to make new definitions:

f :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
f x = \y -> x + y

add5 = f 5

main = print (add5 6)

Parenthesis in that type signature can be omitted, and we can also evaluate the f function with all the parameters at once:

f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f x = \y -> x + y

main = print (f 5 6)

We can also move the y parameter to the left side, just to make it easier to read:

f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f x y = x + y

main = print (f 5 6)

A function can receive a function as parameter, but then those parenthesis are required to maintain precedence. We don't know what the h function does, but we know it can be used over an Int like 3.

g :: (Int -> Int) -> Int
g h = h 3

f x = x + 2

main = print (g f) -- g consumes f function

Pattern matching can also be used to define a function piece-by-piece

fib :: Int -> Int
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib x = fib (x - 1) + fib (x - 2)

main = print (fib 10)


When types are generic, function body can only use known operations.

Here type a could be any type, so x can only be returned as-is.

id' :: a -> a
id' x = x

main = print (id' 5)

We can define a set of operations, then types could implement them, that is called typeclass.

As example a type which fulfils the Eq typeclass will have all its functions available.

class Eq a where
    (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
    (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
    (/=) x y = not (x == y)

We can see that Ord needs b to implement Eq, because it needs operations from that set.

class Eq b => Ord b where
    compare              :: b -> b -> Ordering
    (<), (<=), (>=), (>) :: b -> b -> Bool
    max, min             :: b -> b -> b

Typeclass implementation is done via instances for each type.

Here we define Eq for the Bool type.

Remember that (/=) is already defined based on (==).

instance Eq Bool where
    (==) True  True  = True
    (==) False False = True
    (==) _     _     = False

The type t implements Ord and Num typeclasses, so inside isPositive we can use number and comparison operations over x value.

isPositive :: (Ord t, Num t) => t -> Bool
isPositive x = compare 0 x


Now we are ready to inspect the type of the main function we wrote at the beginning.

main :: IO ()
main = print "hola"

The IO a type represents a set of instructions that will be executed by the runtime of Haskell, with something of type a as result.

In the case of main a is (), which is called unit, and its only possible value is ().

This means that the main function produces a set of instructions to be executed by the runtime when the program is launched.

We know that print "hola" type is also IO () because it should have the same type that main has to be valid code, and we also know that "hola" is a String.

We could think that print :: String -> IO (), but we have been using print with things of other types too, so its type should be something like C a => a -> IO () with some unknown constraint C.

That constraint is the Show typeclass we can see here:

class Show a where
    show :: a -> String
    -- plus other definitions

Given that show function takes something and produces a String, then that function is the missing piece.

Then we can infer that print type is Show a => a -> IO (), so a is converted to an String which is printed.

This is the definition of the print function:

print :: Show a => a -> IO ()
print x = putStrLn (show x)

As we can see, it uses show to obtain an String, which will be consumed by the putStrLn function, and that is the one that has the String -> IO () type we thought before.

We will see soon how to write bigger programs using IO a type, but first we should talk a bit more about typeclasses.

Typeclass Laws

Some typeclasses define a set of associated laws which cannot be checked by the compiler, but the code must follow them to preserve the logic.

Haskell relies on developers to check that their code adheres to the laws, which could be done via mathematical proofs, but there are also tools to generate informal tests to check properties (eg. QuickCheck).

We can take as example the Eq typeclass we saw before:

class Eq a where
    (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
    (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool

A valid Eq implementation should follow these laws:

We can see that our previous Eq Bool instance follows reflexivity law, because by definition agrees with x == x form:

(==) True  True  = True
(==) False False = True

Given that our implementation is valid, we can always replace x == x with True when we see it, which is useful to simplify our code.

Typeclass laws help us to refactor the code and make it better using known properties.

Typeclass Examples

There are many typeclasses defined in the Haskell libraries, the Typeclassopedia is a good place to start learning more details about the standard typeclasses, but I will mention here some of the most common ones and their laws, just as reference, there is no need to memorize them now because they will become familiar as time passes.

  1. Semigroup Typeclass

    Types which fulfil Semigroup api should implement (<>) function, also called append.

    class Semigroup a where
        (<>) :: a -> a -> a
        -- other definitions...

    The following property, called associativity, should be true for any valid Semigroup instance:

    • (x <> y) <> z = x <> (y <> z)

    We can use (<>) function to take to things of the same type and produce a combined result also of the same type.

    s1 = "hola"
    s2 = "mundo"
    main = print (s1 <> s2)

    Each Semigroup instance defines how those things are combined, in this case String concatenation occurs.

  2. Functor Typeclass

    Types which fulfil Functor api implement fmap function.

    class Functor t where
        fmap :: (a -> b) -> t a -> t b
        -- other definitions...

    The following properties should be true for any valid Functor instance:

    • fmap id == id
    • fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g

    We can use fmap over a parametrized type t a to apply a function a -> b which takes things of type a to produce things of type b.

    Here fmap is applied over a parametrized List Int to apply f function which will add 3 to each integer inside the list, obtaining a new list with the same shape but new values.

    xs :: [Int]
    xs = [1, 2, 3]
    f :: Int -> Int
    f x = x + 3
    main = print (fmap f xs)

    Remember, fmap behavior depends on the specific parametrized type we are working with, eg. in the case of data structures usually allows us to apply a function over each element preserving the structure shape.

  3. Applicative Typeclass

    Types which fulfil Applicative api should implement the required functions (ie. pure, (<*>), etc) and must have a Functor instance as well, so the fmap function will be available as well.

    class Functor t => Applicative t where
        pure :: a -> t a
        (<*>) :: t (a -> b) -> t a -> t b
        -- other definitions...

    The following properties should be true for any Applicative instance:

    • pure id <*> v = v
    • pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w = u <*> (v <*> w)
    • pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
    • u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u

    The pure function is really useful when working with a parametrized type t a (eg. IO a, Maybe a, etc) because it allows us to take something of type a and generate a value of type t a in a predefined way.

    main = pure ()

    This example shows a program which does nothing, but it is interesting anyway because we can see how pure obtains a IO a from an a, which in this case is the unit type.

  4. Monad Typeclass

    Any type which implements Monad will have a (>>=) operation, called bind, it should also implement Applicative and Functor api as well, so we also have the pure and fmap functions available for Monad instances.

    class Applicative m => Monad m where
        (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
        -- other definitions...

    When we see mf >>= k we know k consumes something of type a obtained from mf (because mf :: m a and k :: (a -> m b)), so we can say k is a continuation, because it could be the next piece to be executed.

    Keep in mind that the following properties are required for any valid Monad instance:

    • pure a >>= k = k a
    • mf >>= pure = mf
    • mf >>= (\x -> k x >>= h) = (mf >>= k) >>= h

    The >>= function is useful when we have something of a parametrized type t a and we want to process the values of type a with the condition that in the end we should produce something of type t b.

    f :: Int -> String
    f n = "n = " <> show n
    mInt :: Maybe Int
    mInt = Nothing
    main = print (mInt >>= (pure . f))

    In the example we have mInt of type Maybe Int and we would like to process that Int with the function f to obtain an String, so we use the bind function >>= to do handle this and give pure . f as continuation, so it conforms with the expected type Int -> Maybe String.

    The parametrized type Maybe a has a bind implementation which is intelligent enough to note that the a (ie. Int) doesn't exist, because mInt value is Nothing, so bind avoids calling pure . f as the continuation expects the Int to be there.

    We can se that pure . f uses pure to conform with Int -> Maybe Int type, and it could have consumed an Int if mInt had it (eg. mInt = Just 4).

    As we can see, bind mechanism and meaning are related to the parametrized type which implements the Monad instance, so we need to understand that type very well before learning about the inner working of a certain typeclass instance.


Finally, as promised, we can see how to write bigger programs using IO a type.

First we can see a piece of code which uses (>>=) operator to obtain a String written by the user and then prints it to the console.

main = getLine >>= putStrLn

We can rewrite it using an explicit parameter named line, which is produced by getLine subroutine and passed to the continuation (remember that when we see something like mf >>= k, then k is the continuation).

main = getLine >>= (\line -> putStrLn line)

As this gets tiring really quickly, Haskell defines a special syntax called do-notation, which we can use to write equivalent code in a more familiar style.

Like in 2nd example getLine result is available as line value.

main = do
    line <- getLine
    putStrLn line

As a final example we have an imperative-style program which asks the user for an input and then iterates over the elements of a list printing the user input each time.

import Control.Monad (forM_)

xs = [1..10]

main = do
    line <- getLine
    forM_ xs $ \x -> do
        putStrLn (line <> show x)

There are other ways to write this program, but this can feel familiar to programmers which already know other languages.